SERIS presents progressive policy at ICT conference
On Monday December 9th the first conference on fair and circular ICT took place in Ghent. The conference focused on the central question:
“How can you, as a major purchaser of ICT equipment, do your bit for a more sustainable world?”
The production of laptops, smartphones, servers... goes hand in hand with many human rights violations and causes many environmental problems. But large Flemish purchasers of ICT hardware can contribute to better conditions within the ICT chain through their purchasing policy.
With this conference, the organisers wanted to provide concrete tools to large Flemish buyers from the public and private sector. SERIS was present.
The conference was organized by Fair ICT Flanders. Fair ICT Flanders is a three-year project that supports large Flemish buyers of ICT to take concrete steps towards a more fair and circular purchasing policy of ICT equipment. Among other things, they offer a customised learning trajectory and guidance.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is central at SERIS. Stijn Verheyden and Koen Warnez proudly presented our progressive ICT policy as a good example here in Flanders.
We will continue to work on this in 2020!
More info about the conference and the programme.