Our ambition : to participate to make the world a safer place


Motivated by the desire to act responsibly and sustainably, the SERIS group integrates a voluntary approach to Corporate Social Responsibility, which forms the centre of the ongoing project.

SERIS Belgium commits to the further development of its Corporate Social Responsibility in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Compact and the ISO 26000 standard.  It focuses on the promotion and continuous improvement of the three main pillars of sustainable development: environment (Planet), Social (People) and Economic (Profit).

This commitment is a guarantee for progress and sustainability in a context of growth shared by all stakeholders of SERIS Belgium; its employees, clients, partners and –more broadly- “our society” in which the activities of SERIS are integrated.





  • Planet

    A forest for all !

    Within the field of the Planet of CSR, SERIS donates 110 trees to 'Een bos voor iedereen' (A forest for all). This initiative once again emphasises our Corporate Social Responsibility!

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  • People

    Tackling agression at work

    As a security company, the absolute priority for SERIS is the safety of their staff. Therefore, SERIS set up the working group “Aggression at Work”. The purpose of this working group is fourfold.

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  • Profit

    SERIS at Planckendael

    SERIS Security and the Audi Security Team spend their annual team day at Planckendael, in the framework of a charity for the children's cancer foundation vzw Kinderkankerfonds

Our commitments


Our group CSR policy is based on a common set of guidelines. These guidelines are available to all our subsidiaries in accordance with the rules applicable in each of the countries where the Group operates.

  • Family independance and longterm vision

    Family independance and longterm vision

    SERIS, the leading independent group in the French security market, is characterised by a private and family shareholding. The latter guarantees the stability and systainability of the group. 

  • Environnemental responsibility

    Environnemental responsibility

    As part of its activities, the SERIS group is well aware of the environmental dimension and keeps track of its main impacts while always seeking to limit them. 

  • Ethical and fair practices

    Ethical and fair practices

    As a well-know player within the Profession, SERIS group attachese paramount importance to the integrity needed to govern commercial relationships and professional practices on a daily basis. 

  • Safety and working conditions

    Safety and working conditions

    The preservation of health and safety of employees and third parties as part of its benefits is a top priority for SERIS. SERIS group's aim is to consolidate human capital by giving meaning to the work of the men and women who have chosen this business, by offering the most fabourable working conditions possible to attract and retain talent and encourage a continued and qualitative social dialogue. 

  • Training and competences

    Training and competences

    Because these are the men who shape the business on a daily basis, SERIS has adopted strong policies to meet the demands of the evolving private security sector while offering each of its employees the opportunity to grow with the company. 

  • Innovation and quality requirement

    Innovation and quality requirement

    SERIS strives to develop a global offer to master all aspects of the security value chain and to offer its customers a solution adapted to the expectations and challenges of the market. Innovation and initiative are strongly encouraged. The expertise, knowledge and know-how of SERIS relies on a continuously improving approach, controlled and deployed on each of the sites where the group is active. 

  • Respect for human rights and the legal compliance

    Respect for human rights and the legal compliance

    In the conduct of its activities SERIS undertakes, in its sphere of influence, to respect and to promote the implementation of the universal principles of human rights and laws in each country where the group is present, regardless of the local context. 

Our performances



is the percentage of women within SERIS Belgium in 2023


of our workforce benefit from full-time, permanent contracts in 2023



2021 Total absolute CO2 emissions scope 1, 2 and 3 in ton CO2e


Target 2030 Total absolute CO2 emissions scope 1, 2 and 3 in ton CO2e
(A 44% Reduction)



family shareholder


more than 100 years of history

Documents for download

Business Code of Conduct

Download here

Supplier Code of Conduct

Download here


Download here

Procurement Sustainability Policy

Download here

COP 2020

Download here

COP 2018

Download here

COP 2017

Download here