SERIS Academy - Predictive Profiling - Human Behaviour Detection

Predictive Profiling - Human Behaviour Detection

Laatste update : 26/12/2022


The course is designed for security officers with an understanding of basic security concepts.


Early Detection = Early Prevention


Modern security challenges in European cities, characterized by ever-improving autonomous actors, demands efficient and methodical security strategies that offer us a superior advantage. This while maintaining a pleasant customer experience, increasing subjective feelings of security among our clients and personnel and increasing the objective security within and around our premises.


The key component, tested and proven in Israel in the last 30 years, to conducting preventive security as efficient as possible and in line with our legal possibilities, lies in our ability to distinguish quickly and accurately between members of the public who are innocent and those who harbour malicious intent, without subjecting the public to ‘collective' security measures.


Focused security measures as a means of conserving resources


A security party trained in the identification of anomalous behaviors allows the organization to maintain the highest levels of physical security without exhausting time and energy resources on repetitive screening of individuals. This capability becomes prominent in facilities hosting high volumes of people, such as transport hubs, retail centers and tourism spots.


Proposed Solution


The training is provided with a maximum of examples, applications, practical exercises and interaction between trainer and trainee.


The basic program, designed for security officers in the field, will be conducted over 16 hours and can be conducted in English, French and Dutch. The course will be adapted to the specific working environment of the security agents.


Moked Matara from its longtime experience and SERIS Academy by testing this training thoroughly estimate that the 16 hour course is a minimum to being able to understand and especially apply the principles of ‘human behavior detection' measures.


Introduction – The importance of early detection:

  • The purpose of security as a service to the organization;
  • “Stealing time” for security manoeuvers;
  • Efficient use of resources;
  • Situational awareness.


Threat sources and challenges in detection:

  • Border-crossing (supranational) ideologies;
  • The lone, spontaneous actor – Demographic affiliation, inspiration by open sources, uncoordinated activity, prior familiarity with the area;
  • The complexities of the adversary's “profile”. Does the opponent have a profile?
  • Patterns and contradictions.


The security response:

  • The 3 stages of detection (including group exercises):
  • Establishing behaviour patterns that characterize the facility/event;
  • Placement of ‘traps' which direct the adversary to places that will reveal his intentions;
  • Causing behavioral indicators to appear and identifying them through security actions.[/]


Location and observation:

  • Detection and revelation circles;
  • Overt and covert observation;
  • Observation angles and visual space.


Body language:

  • Stress – Causes and signs;
  • The internal and external conflict;
  • Physiology;
  • Behaviour;
  • Drugs and alcohol.



  • Questioning as a security tool;
  • Questioning vs. Interrogation;
  • Stress signs in speech;
  • Use of closed and open questions.


Team communication:

  • The importance of and challenges in the field regarding communication;
  • Communication principles (style and direction of communication).


Practical exercises:

  • Video analysis;
  • Practical exercises on the field.



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