SERIS Academy - Hostile environment awareness training (HEAT)

Hostile environment awareness training (HEAT)

Laatste update : 18/10/2022


This training can be provided to members of international (humanitarian) organisations, employees of private companies travelling abroad or expats being deployed for long term missions abroad.


Seen each mission is subject to its own specific risks, we adapt our training to your specific needs. In function of those risks we select, together with you as a client, a tailer made program which can include:


  • Basic first aid and psychological first aid
  • Advanced emergency casualty care
  • Personal safety and security
  • Safety and security mindset
  • Communications equipment and communication skills
  • Capture and captivity
  • Behavior under fire
  • Fire safety
  • Basic negotiations skills
  • Dealing with aggression
  • Understanding how to build individual situational awareness in high risk environments
  • Unexploded ordnance (UXO) and improvised explosive devices (IED) threats
  • Travel security awareness
  • Personal Survival and Mental Welfare
  • Team Dynamics
  • Outdoor Cooking
  • Grab-bag
  • Map Reading: Compass & GPS
  • Ammunition and Weapon Awareness
  • Driving skills
  • Convoy Travel Security

Pedagogische doelstellingen

Travelling for work to support the activities of your private company or the international (humanitarian) organisation you are working for is often an exciting opportunity and offers the possibility to see the world.


However, when deployed abroad, you safety and security is vital to the success of your mission and could be a challenge, certainly when travelling to high risk areas.


This training aimes to provide you with the necessary competences needed to safely and securily travel abroad. We achieve this to focus and as much practical exercises as possible combined with integrated highly realistic simulation training, scenario's and evaluations.

Voorafgaandelijk noodzakelijk

No prior experience is necessary to join this training. However our trainers will ask for prior experiences with to regard to the topics covered to ensure an adapted individual follow-up of each participant.

Modaliteiten van evaluatie en opvolging

Besides training the participants, SERIS Academy can provide an individual assessment of each participant to evaluate their operational readiness if requested.

Pedagogische middelen en ondersteuning

During the training, all didactic support will be provided: from maps, compasses and gps's to medical training material, radio's, vehicules, training location, .. all in function of the training goals.


Our trainers are all experienced in the field and active in public and private security institutions (military and police special forces and intelligence agencies, .. ) or specialised security consultants.


Together with our support services, our trainers create a challenging and demanding, however safe and secure training environment. Within our training center we attach great importance to personal guidance and support. During the entire training process, our teachers guarantee interactive, practical and result-oriented training days. In addition, our didactic and substantive team of criminologists and our support services are available every day for further questions or guidance.



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Les prix mentionné ci-dessous sont valable pour des inscriptions dans les formations de cette année calendrier.


Indien in een offerte andere prijzen werden overeengekomen, worden deze toegepast op de factuur, ook na online inschrijving. Alle prijzen zijn steeds excl. BTW.


Si d'autres prix ont été convenus dans une offre, ceux-ci seront appliqués à la facture, même après l'inscription en ligne. Tous les prix sont hors TVA.


Onze nummer als dienstverlener KMO Portefeuille is DV.O107117 op naam van SBD NV. Aanvragen voor KMO Portefeuille moeten steeds ingediend worden binnen de 14 dagen na de start van de opleiding. Prijzen en opleidingsuren zijn vindbaar op onze online catalogus. U vindt hier de voorwaarden om een terechte aanvraag in te dienen.

Volgende sessies

  • Momenteel is deze opleiding niet beschikbaar in ons open aanbod. Indien u de opleidingsverantwoordelijke bent van uw bedrijf, kan u ons contacteren om een opleiding op maat te organiseren.


    Contacteer ons op 02/745 37 12 of via




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